作者: Excellence // 2010 年 7 月 12 日 // 图表相关 // 没有评论

Seth Godin 塞思 戈丁
The bar graph is read left to right and seems to imply something about the declining relevance of Billygoats (even though close inspection shows that we expect high growth in billygoats next year). There’s data here, but no information.
The pie chart contains far less data, but the point is obvious: Trolls are where we should focus our energy.
That’s why you use it. It makes an obvious point and leaves no real room for discussion. I think discussions are great, but that’s not why you are doing a presentation.
I stepped on the toes of many data presentation purists yesterday, so let me reiterate my point to make it crystal clear: In a presentation to non-scientists (or to bored scientists), the purpose of a chart or graph is to make one point, vividly. Tell a story and move on. If you can’t be both vivid and truthful, it doesn’t belong in your presentation. (I can think of dozens of good uses of bar graphs… they’re not forbidden, they’re just overused and misused
昨天我查阅了大量资料介绍来证实我的观点,所以让我重申我的观点,使之清楚:非科学家(或无聊的科学家)在一个演示文稿中,一个图表或图形的目的是如何生动的说明一个问题。讲一个故事并继续进行。如果你不能既生动而真实,它不属于你的简报。 (我能想象到它比条形图使用好几十倍…他们不是禁止的,他们只是被滥用和误用)。
Junk Charts博客
Here we present a different example, derived from a NYT article on diabetes in America.The original chart is a series of pie charts, one for each age group, and one for the aggregate data.
The junkart version uses a bar chart .Readers can get a more precise comparison of the prevalence rates across age groups because it is easier to judge lengths than areas.
Dirty trick, you might say because the original chart actually prints the data in each pie.
So now there is no mistaking the data.This raises a philosophical question: why bother graphing the data if the reader needs to read the data in order to understand the chart?We call this the self-sufficiency test. The graphical elements of a pie chart can’t stand on their own.
Pointy Haired Dilbert
What is Your Opinion on Pie Charts?
Personally I think pie charts provide great utility at very little cost:They are very easy to create
Very very easy to understand (provided the data has some contrast, if your numbers are like 43,44,45,46, there is little chance that anyone can understand the resulting pie chart and make out which one is large and which one is small)
But, I also think they are easy to abuse (one reason why you see way too many pie charts compared to other charts).
What is Your Opinion on Pie Charts?
Here is what I think cripples a pie chart from being effective:
Too many data points. A pie chart would probably be effective up to 4 values, anything more and you better have a strong story behind it for people to read and interpret.
Poor use of color. The purpose of color in most visualizations is to bring contrast。To separate apples from oranges。To throw light where your story lies.But most programs that are used to generate pie.charts have poor (and often scary) color choices.When you use poor color combinations, the result will be drastic.But this blame is not on the person making pie charts, but on the pie chart software.
Making Pie charts that are difficult to compare. The purpose of pie charts is to provide comparison.So when we make a pie chart that has poor ability to compare, we are already lost.That means we should avoid.all the flashy formatting, 3d pie charts, 3d donuts and layered donuts etc. Also, whenever possible, try Using data labels , using color and if nothing works, try using other types of charts for comparison.After all, we are not selling pie charts, we are selling our stories
制作饼图,很难进行比较。目的是透过饼图来提供比较。因此,当我们作出一个饼图的能力比较差,我们已经丢失了这个目的。这意味着我们要避免所有的华而不实的格式,三维饼图,三维甜甜圈和甜甜圈等分层此外,只要有可能,尽量使用数据标签 ,使用颜色,如果是无关紧要的工作,请尝试使用其他的类型的比较图表。毕竟,我们不卖饼形图,我们兜售图表讲述的故事。